
SDK and API  

Integration and retrofit

Make controlling access simple

CAMACTIVE can be integrated to existing machines and each solution can be carefully designed and tailored to suit individual needs. Camlock Systems can design and retrofit from the ground up or modify existing applications and create prototypes to find the exact solution to fit your machines. Retrofits can enhance performance, efficiency, safety, or compliance. Our in-house design and engineering team can create a solution to fit individual needs to update older equipment or systems to improve functionality or compatibility.

Our CAMACTIVE system offers seamless integration with a wide range of systems and platforms. With our intuitive SDKs for both iOS and Android, developers can easily incorporate CAMACTIVE into their mobile applications. Additionally, our robust API supports the administration portal, ensuring smooth and efficient management. To aid in the integration process, we provide world-class documentation, making it easy for developers to implement and utilise CAMACTIVE effectively.



API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that developers can use to request and exchange information between different software components.



SDK (Software Development Kit) is a toolbox for developers. It typically includes a set of tools, libraries, documentation, and sample code that help developers build software applications for a specific platform or framework. SDKs often include APIs that developers can use to interact with the platform's services and functionalities.

Technical information

Full product information can be downloaded directly, here.

Clink on the download links below to access product datasheets, including relevant product dimensions and testing results.

Talk to us about how access control could work for you / +44 (0)1323 410996